
Around 10% of the world's total fish species can be found just within the Great Barrier Reef. |
Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. |
Starfish do not have blood. Their blood is actually filtered sea water. |
Starfish don't have brains. Special cells on their skin gather information about their surroundings |
Not all animals with the word fish in their names count as fish. |
Though their names may suggest otherwise, cuttlefish, starfish, and jellyfish aren’t actually fish. Generally-speaking, fishes must have skulls, gills, and fins. Surprisingly, though, not all fishes have proper spines. |
In three decades, the world's oceans will contain more discarded plastic than fish when measured by weight, researchers say. |
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined. |
Just how man species of fish are there? |
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined. |
Even Catfish are finicky |
Taste Buds ? Catfish have a more refined sense of flavor than humans. Our 10,000 taste buds may seem like a lot, but catfish can have as many as 175,000. This helps them find the exact location of their next meal. |
A bit of Humor |
My brother has 2 German Shepherds named Rolex and Timex. You guessed it they are Watch Dogs. |

From Jan 01, 1999 To Feb 11, 2025
Aug 5, 2019; 03:51PM - Lake Ontario
Category: Canada
Author Name: Jeff
Nice Chinook salmon bite on Lake Ontario
this morning. jammersportfishing.com
Mar 22, 2014; 05:15AM - Terrace BC Canada Fishing Report For March 21, 2014
Category: Canada
Author Name: Noel Gyger
Noel Gyger Fishing Report is LIVE online
Cast on this link to read the current
LIVE Report:
Don’t miss a single update follow Noel
on Twitter.
Weekend Fishing Forecast:
Weather forecast cloudy with some rain
and warmer temperatures. Kalum River is
in good shape. I have a report of good
Steelhead fishing in both the upper and
lower end. This is “PRIME-TIME” for this
beautiful river. Guiding starts April
1st. A few last minute spots are still
open, so don’t miss out. Skeena River is
dropping but still lots of ice. Zymoetz
(Copper) River was brown yesterday;
hopefully it will clean up by the
weekend. Caution: please be careful
walking the edge of these rivers as ice
has formed. Ocean fishing: for Salmon
and Bottom Fish out of Kitimat and
Prince Rupert is good; so is Crabbing
and Prawning. If you would like to book
a river fishing guide or ocean charter
for 2014 Contact me anytime. Good luck
this weekend.
Taking bookings now for: Gitnadoix,
Kwinamass (April & May), Ishkeenickh,
Kincolith, Zymoetz (Copper) class 1 and
class 2 sections, Kalum and Skeena 2
plus all the unclassified rivers on the
Skeena, Nass and coastal. Ocean out of
Kitimat and Prince Rupert. If you are
interested for a guided fishing trip
please contact me anytime.
Hope you enjoy the LIVE Fishing Report:
Thank you for your interest in The
Fishing Reports.
Best regards,
Noel Gyger
“You meet the nicest people on the river
Mar 15, 2014; 06:02AM - Terrace BC Canada Fishing Report For March 14, 2014
Category: Canada
Author Name: Noel Gyger
| | |