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10 pc Casting Spoon inline spinner set

10 pc Casting Spoon inline spinner set
10 pc casting spoon spinner bait assortment in free handy container box

PRICE: $11.99

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Fish Facts Vote which one you feel is true.
Goldfish can't close their eyes without eyelids. ? 
1 Puffer Fish has enough poison to kill 30 people ? 
A koi fish named 'Hanako' lived for 225 years. ? 
Fish can drown in water. ? 
Fish can see 70 times further in air than in water ? 
Fish in polluted lakes lose their sense of smell. ? 
Many fish can change sex during their lifespan. ? 
The goliath tigerfish can eat small crocodiles. ? 
There is a Jellyfish that could be immortal. ? 
There's a shark in Greenland that eats polar bears ? 

Did you know that
70% of all boats sold are used in fishing
Around 10% of the world's total fish species can be found just within the Great Barrier Reef.
The opah, or 'moonfish', is the only known fully warm-blooded fish.
Fossil evidence suggests that fish have been on Earth for about 530 million years.
The Salema Porgy is a species of fish that can cause hallucinations when eaten.
In Ancient Rome it was consumed as a recreational drug.
A robotic fish was accepted by other fish and became their leader during an experiment by NYU.
Sharks kill 12 people per year.
People kill 11,417 sharks per hour.
According to IGFA records, the largest fish ever caught was a great white shark that weighed an unbelievable 1,208 kg (2,664 pounds). Caught off the coast of Ceduna, Australia, in 1959, it took angler Alfred Dean just 50 minutes to win the fight against this one-ton shark.
In three decades, the world's oceans will contain more discarded plastic than fish when measured by weight, researchers say.
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
Just how man species of fish are there?
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
Even Catfish are finicky
Taste Buds ? Catfish have a more refined sense of flavor than humans. Our 10,000 taste buds may seem like a lot, but catfish can have as many as 175,000. This helps them find the exact location of their next meal.

 Oct 14, 2009; 05:26PM
 Category:  Boat Motors
 Name for Contacts:  Dorothy Holland
 Phone:  334-797-4700
 City:  Dothan
 State:  Al.
 Country:  USA
 Description:  Looking for Mercury 4 stoke motor for 21 foot suntracker pontoon boat.

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