Around 10% of the world's total fish species can be found just within the Great Barrier Reef.
Thousands of marine creatures die by mistakenly swallowing plastic bags that resemble jellyfish.
In three decades, the world's oceans will contain more discarded plastic than fish when measured by weight, researchers say.
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
Just how man species of fish are there?
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
Even Catfish are finicky
Taste Buds ? Catfish have a more refined sense of flavor than humans. Our 10,000 taste buds may seem like a lot, but catfish can have as many as 175,000. This helps them find the exact location of their next meal.
2 1/2 inch floating mouse rat lure 2 1/2 inch floating rat lure large bill 3/8 ounce for natural motion when reeling in.
Price: $6.49
2 1/2 inch body plus the replaceable tail floating lure 10 gram 3/8 ounce with rattles, 3D eyes and clear square front bib to mimic natural swimming action of a rat or mouse caught in the water to entice the strike of just about any large predator species. Shallow diver so trolls best at slower speeds. Each lure comes with 3 replacement tails black chrome hooks ready to tie to your favorite fishing rod.